

Check below answers to Frequently Asked Questions. To see only answers related to a specific category, select the category at the top of page.

Where is my property?2023-08-04T01:47:48-04:00

A: Call the Six Nations Police to inquire about property. Either the Property Monitor or Investigating Officer can help you.

Where do I report information about a possible fraud?2023-08-04T01:59:14-04:00

A: If you have NOT lost any money and have NOT provided personal information or financial information (relating to a fraud or scam), and you simply want to inform the appropriate organizations, report it to Canadian Anti-fraud Centre (CAFC) by visiting the http://www.antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca/reportincident-signalerincident/index-eng.htm or by calling 1-800-495-8501.

If you received a fraudulent e-mail soliciting personal or financial information (phishing scam), you should also advice the financial institution or other agency whose name was used.

If you are a victim of fraud of if you unwittingly provided personal or financial information (identity fraud), follow the tabs in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/scams-fraudes/victims-guide-victimes-eng.htm and/or contact the Six Nations Police at 519-445-2811 during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).

Where do I report found property? (e.g. bicycle, wallet)2023-08-04T01:38:37-04:00

A: Report any found property to the Six Nations Police at 519-445-2811. You will reach either Six Nations Police receptionist or our Communications Dispatcher.

Where do I report a problem driver?2023-08-04T01:51:54-04:00

A: You may report a problem driver by contacting the Six Nations Police at 519-445-2811 during regular business hours (Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) or by contacting 911.

Where can I find information about the Residency By-law?2023-08-04T02:06:01-04:00

A: The Residency By-law and information can be found at the Six Nations Council website, at the http://www.sixnations.ca/. You can look under the “Administration, Politics” heading for the “Public Policies” tab. Click on the tab and look under “Administration” for the “Residency By-law.” Further information about the Residency By-law can be found under the “Community Issues” heading and click on the “http://www.sixnations.ca/ResidencyLawLetter.pdf” tab.

What is the procedure for fingerprinting for employment?2023-08-04T02:02:21-04:00

A: Call the Six Nations Police at 519-445-2811 during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) to schedule an appointment. If fingerprints are required as part of a Vulnerable Sector Check or for Federal Government employment, you must bring your supporting documentation with you to the appointment. The fee for fingerprinting is $35.00 (cash only)

What is a Restraining Order?2023-08-04T01:37:32-04:00

A: A restraining order is an order made by a judge at the family court to help protect you and your child(ren) or the child(ren) in your custody. A restraining order will list conditions that the person you are afraid of must obey. You can apply for a restraining order at the family court if you fear your former partner, including same sex partners, and were married or lived together for any period of time. For more information you can access the Ministry of the Attorney General website at http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca. Once at the Ministry of the Attorney General website you can click the “Family Justice” tab on the left hand side of the screen, and then scroll down to “About Courts” and underneath that heading you can click on the http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/family/guides/restraining_order/ .

A peace bond is a protection order made by a court where an individual has fear that another person will commit an offence against them, someone in their family or against their property. You must attend the provincial court in Brantford located at 44 Queen Street, Brantford, Ontario, telephone 519-758-3460. The Brantford Court Office will provide all necessary paperwork for you to fill out and schedule you with a time to see the Justice of the Peace.

What are the laws regarding child safety seats?2023-08-04T01:54:32-04:00

A: Under Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act, the following applies:
Infants MUST use a rear-facing car seat until they weigh at least 9 kg (20 lbs).
Child MUST use a forward-facing child seat when they weigh between 9 kg and 18 kg (20-40 lbs).
Booster seats MUST be used if your child is:
Under the age of eight (8) AND
Weighs between 18 and 36 kg(40-80 lbs) AND
Is less than 145 c. (4 feet-9 inches) tall
Every child car seat MUST have the National Safety Mark label attached to the seat which indicates it is legal for use in Canada. Every child car seat and booster seat sold in Canada has an expiry or useful life date on it and should not be used past that date.
For further information you can go to the http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/and click on the “Safety” tab and select “http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/safety/choose-car-seat.shtml
The fine for not using a child car seat or booster seat as required by law is up to $1000 plus 2 demerit points on conviction.

What are the hours of the Six Nations Police Service?2023-08-04T02:12:42-04:00

A: The administration office of the Six Nations Police Service are from Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The operation sections of the service, which include front line uniform response to community calls for service and patrols and criminal investigations section provide service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Note: Person(s) under 18

New legislation on police checks came into effect November 1, 2018 and Police Services in Ontario are no longer processing police checks for youth under 18 years old.

If I am requesting a “Stand-by to keep the Peace,” how does that work?2023-08-04T02:08:14-04:00

A: You must call the Six Nations Police at 519-445-2811 during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) to schedule for this service. These requests need to be scheduled in advance with the owner of the location/property where the “Stand-by to keep the Peace” will be occurring.

How does Crime Stoppers work?2023-08-04T01:45:44-04:00

A: Crime Stoppers is a not for profit organization (not police) which allows a person to provide anonymous tips, by telephone or on the web, on crimes that have been committed, are being committed or about to be committed. If you call, there is no caller ID and conversations are not recorded. On the web, there is identifying information shared. Each tip pays up to $2000 cash per successful conviction. On submission of each tip, a code # is given and you simply present that code at a specified pick-up location in your area and you will be handed cash. The Crime Stoppers closest to the Six Nations Territory is Brant-Brantford Crime Stoppers. For more information see the

https://crimestoppersbb.ca or call toll-free 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

How do I report a tip about a crime that has been committed?2023-08-04T01:44:00-04:00

A: You can report a tip by calling the Six Nations Police at 519-445-2811 during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) If you call after hours, you will reach our Communications Dispatcher. If you wish to remain anonymous, call CRIME STOPPERS toll-free at1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or by website https://crimestoppersbb.ca

How do I report a non-emergency crime?2023-08-04T01:35:53-04:00

A: A non-emergency crime is a crime that already occurred and you do not require immediate police attendance but still require police assistance. Call 519-445-2811 and you will either reach the Six Nations Police receptionist during regular business hours or you will reach our Communications Dispatchers if calling after hours.

How do I get my property that was held as evidence released?2023-08-04T01:48:22-04:00

A: An Officer will contact the property owner once property can be released. If the property is being held as evidence involving criminal charges, it cannot be released until court.

How do I get a Pardon (Records Suspension)?2023-08-04T02:04:32-04:00

A: Go to the https://www.canada.ca/en/parole-board.html website, and click on the Records Suspensions Heading or click on https://www.canada.ca/en/parole-board/services/record-suspensions.html. You can also call toll free: 1-800-874-2652.

How do I get a Criminal Records Check done?2023-08-08T14:43:37-04:00

A: A Criminal Records Check Form must be completed by the requesting person and submitted to the Six Nations Police at the front reception area of the Six Nations Police Station. Criminal Record Check Forms are in hard copy only and only available at the Six Nations Police Station. Once the Criminal Records Check Form is completed it shall be submitted for processing by the Six Nations Police personnel. If you require the Vulnerable Sector (VS) Check you must provide a supporting letter from the agency requesting the VS check. A Criminal Records Check could take up to 10 business days to process. Once the Criminal Records Check is completed, the requesting person will receive a phone call from Six Nations Police personnel letting them know the Criminal Records Check is completed and is ready for pick-up at the Six Nations Police Station, Front Reception. The basic fee for a criminal records check is $30.00 (cash only).

Note: Person(s) under 18

New legislation on police checks came into effect November 1, 2018 and Police Services in Ontario are no longer processing police checks for youth under 18 years old.

Applicants Requiring Their Record For Their Own Personal Information Will Receive A Copy Of Their Findings Of Guilt, On A Separate Form, Not A PRC, With The Following Disclaimer, As Prescribed By The PRCRA:

This record contains information about your findings of guilt under the Youth Criminal Justice Act. The Youth Criminal Justice Act RESTRICTS you from sharing this information, and no one may require you to provide it. Remove this record before sharing your police record check with anyone else, including a potential employer or organization with which you seek to volunteer or enter into a contract.
No other youth would be permitted to apply for a Police Record Check.

How do I get a copy of an occurrence report?2023-08-04T01:49:35-04:00

A: You must attend in person to the Six Nations Police and complete the “Request for Police Report” Form. You must be named as involved in the report you are requesting. You are only entitled to your information therefore all third party information will be redacted (blacked out). The request could take up to 30 business days to process and the fee is $30.00 (cash only). Photo identification is required. Police can deny access to some reports dependent upon circumstances e.g. if criminal code charges are before the courts.

How do I get a copy of a motor vehicle accident report?2023-08-04T01:50:35-04:00

A: If you were involved in an accident and need a copy of the motor vehicle accident (MVA) report, call 519-445-2811 during regular business hours and ask for the occurrence number, date of accident and officer’s name. You can then provide this information to your insurance company and they can order a copy of the MVA report and pay the $30.00 fee.

How do I check to see if my stolen vehicle has been recovered?2023-08-04T01:55:22-04:00

A: It isn’t necessary to call Police as they will contact you when your stolen vehicle is recovered.

How do I check to see if a vehicle has been reported stolen?2023-08-04T01:56:03-04:00

A: Go to the website, http://www.cpic-cipc.ca/, and search for the vehicle according to the Vehicle Information Number (VIN). You can also search for other property on this website.

Does the Six Nations Police have a guarantor, notary public and/or a commissioner of oath, who can sign my documents, e.g. immunization records, pension documents, banking documents?2023-08-04T02:09:25-04:00

A: The Six Nations Police employs personnel who can sign as:
A guarantor but the signing guarantor must have personally known the person requesting such for a minimum of 2 years, and
A Commissioner for taking Affidavits,
BUT the Six Nations Police personnel CANNOT sign as a Notary Public.
All Commissioner for taking Affidavits (Oaths) and guarantor documents shall be brought to the Six Nations Police, 2112 4th Line Road, during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).

Does Six Nations Police offer “Ride Along” with an Officer?2023-08-04T02:00:29-04:00

A: The Six Nations Police Service only offer “ride along” that are relevant to post secondary students pursuing a law enforcement career. Requests can be addressed to the Six Nations Police Community Service Section.

Can I find out if there is a warrant out for my arrest?2023-08-04T02:06:53-04:00

A: You must attend the Six Nations Police and speak to an Officer.

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