Chief of Police Message
After starting my career as a constable in 1992 with the Six Nations Police Service, I am humbled and honoured to be serving as the second Chief of Police in the service’s history.
Since its inception in 1985, Six Nations Police has been growing and evolving along with the community we serve. Our service is now composed of over fifty uniformed officers and civilian staff, all of whom possess Indigenous ancestry and understand the challenges that come with preserving safety and security in an Indigenous population.
As Chief, I take tremendous pride in serving my community and recognize the importance of the relationship between the people of Six Nations and its police officers. We are committed to delivering quality service to the community while remaining sensitive to the unique challenges stemming from the impacts of colonialism and intergenerational trauma.
Our priority has always been, and remains, protecting the Six Nations community and ensuring the welfare of our people. I am tremendously proud of the important work our officers and civilian staff do every day to uphold public safety for our people. We remain committed to maintaining professionalism as we continuously plan for future of the police service and the generations yet to come.
Chief of Police Message
After starting my career as a constable in 1992 with the Six Nations Police Service, I am humbled and honoured to be serving as the second Chief of Police in the service’s history.
Since its inception in 1985, Six Nations Police has been growing and evolving along with the community we serve. Our service is now composed of over fifty uniformed officers and civilian staff, all of whom possess Indigenous ancestry and understand the challenges that come with preserving safety and security in an Indigenous population.
As Chief, I take tremendous pride in serving my community and recognize the importance of the relationship between the people of Six Nations and its police officers. We are committed to delivering quality service to the community while remaining sensitive to the unique challenges stemming from the impacts of colonialism and intergenerational trauma.
Our priority has always been, and remains, protecting the Six Nations community and ensuring the welfare of our people. I am tremendously proud of the important work our officers and civilian staff do every day to uphold public safety for our people. We remain committed to maintaining professionalism as we continuously plan for future of the police service and the generations yet to come.
I look forward to bringing many enhancements to our service in the years to come, so we can continue to provide safe and effective policing. This includes ongoing work with drug enforcement and related criminal activity, as well as expanding mental health supports and ongoing supports for victims of violence. Upgrading technology and providing various forms of communication with the community is also a priority. Policing is ever-evolving and we must evolve with it to provide the best possible service to this community.
I look forward to our future here at the Six Nations Police Service.