A: A restraining order is an order made by a judge at the family court to help protect you and your child(ren) or the child(ren) in your custody. A restraining order will list conditions that the person you are afraid of must obey. You can apply for a restraining order at the family court if you fear your former partner, including same sex partners, and were married or lived together for any period of time. For more information you can access the Ministry of the Attorney General website at http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca. Once at the Ministry of the Attorney General website you can click the “Family Justice” tab on the left hand side of the screen, and then scroll down to “About Courts” and underneath that heading you can click on the http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/family/guides/restraining_order/ .

A peace bond is a protection order made by a court where an individual has fear that another person will commit an offence against them, someone in their family or against their property. You must attend the provincial court in Brantford located at 44 Queen Street, Brantford, Ontario, telephone 519-758-3460. The Brantford Court Office will provide all necessary paperwork for you to fill out and schedule you with a time to see the Justice of the Peace.